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Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Bandlimited Signals by Means of Time-Varying Discrete-Time FIR Filters


This paper deals with reconstruction of nonuniformly sampled bandlimited continuous-time signals using time-varying discrete-time finite-length impulse response (FIR) filters. The main theme of the paper is to show how a slight oversampling should be utilized for designing the reconstruction filters in a proper manner. Based on a time-frequency function, it is shown that the reconstruction problem can be posed as one that resembles an ordinary filter design problem, both for deterministic signals and random processes. From this fact, an analytic least-square design technique is then derived. Furthermore, for an important special case, corresponding to periodic nonuniform sampling, it is shown that the reconstruction problem alternatively can be posed as a filter bank design problem, thus with requirements on a distortion transfer function and a number of aliasing transfer functions. This eases the design and offers alternative practical design methods as discussed in the paper. Several design examples are included that illustrate the benefits of the proposed design techniques over previously existing techniques.


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Johansson, H., Löwenborg, P. Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Bandlimited Signals by Means of Time-Varying Discrete-Time FIR Filters. EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process. 2006, 064185 (2006).

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